January 18 Nuuk

January 16 Nuuk

Januar 4 Nuuk

December 10 Nuuk

December 2 Nuuk

October 28 Nuuk

October 1 Nuuk

September 16 Nuuk

May 10 diary

April 21
A very small extract from a reportage I did for Euroman from a home for people with PTSD.

Feb 15
The last three weeks I've been in the south-west of US researching on a new project. I also had the chance to go to Grand Canyon where I met these two fellas. They were on vacation both normally living in amish communities in Kentucky and Alabama. We had a small chat about the beauty of Grand Canyon and I asked them for a picture. They said yes and posed.

January 20
Steffen Moestrup, Jesper Gaarskjær and Gitte Luk for Magazine Journalisten.

January 7

December 15
Work for Center for Høretab's communication. Caseperson with Cochlear Implant.

November 27
Exhibiting my work "The boys on Mountain Road" at Klub22 in Aarhus, Denmark.

November 11
Driving around Helgenæs.

Very happy and proud that my work “Nanna” was exhibited from July - October at The National Museum of Finland and at “Nordic Village” as a part of Helsinki Photo Festival
Unfortunately I didn’t have the chance to go and see the exhibition myself, but I’m happy that this project in a sense live it’s own life out there in the “real” world of real people.
Thank you Helsinki Photo Festival for the opportunity.

October 21

September diary

September diary

August 13

July 15

May 24

May 24

May 24

May 24

May 24

May 23

May 23

May 23

May 23

May 22

May 22

May 22

May 21
På gensyn Tromsø.

April 4
Everyday-life in Tromsø

April 4
Everyday-life in Tromsø

March 29
Playing in the snow outside our home in Tromsø

March 29
Throwing snowballs at our home in Tromsø

March 29

March 18
Mom and Dad as the sun was setting in northern Norway.

February 20th
Wintertime in Denmark

February 20th
Wintertime in Denmark

February 20
Wintertime in Denmark

February 20
Wintertime in Denmark

January 21
My photographs from this summers visit at my grandmas just got shortlisted for a solo exhibition at Copenhagen Photo Festival.

January 5t
Personal diary from visit to Tromsø in northern Norway the last couple of weeks

January 5
Personal diary from visit to Tromsø in northern Norway the last couple of weeks

January 5
Personal diary from visit to Tromsø in northern Norway the last couple of weeks

January 5
Personal diary from visit to Tromsø in northern Norway the last couple of weeks

January 5
Personal diary from visit to Tromsø in northern Norway the last couple of weeks

January 5
Personal diary from visit to Tromsø in northern Norway the last couple of weeks

December 7
Currently in Santa Fe working on a story from the hospice house "Scott's House". The hospice house is founded by my grandma and named after my uncle Scott.

Personal diary

Work: Pele Broberg
Client: Aftenposten Innsikt

Work: Mute B. Egede
Client: Berlingske

September, 2021
Work: Martin LaCour
Client: Aftenposten Innsikt

August, 2021
Work: Greenland
Client: Institute of Human Rights DK

August, 2021
Work: Greenland
Client: Institute of Human Rights DK

August, 2021
Work: Greenland
Client: Institute of Human Rights DK

August, 2021
Work: Greenland
Client: Institute of Human Rights DK

August, 2021
Work: The New prison house in Nuuk
Client: Institute of Human Rights DK

October, 2021
October Diary

October, 2021
October Diary

October, 2021
October Diary

October, 2021
October Diary

October, 2021
October Diary

October, 2021
October Diary

October, 2021
October Diary

October, 2021
October Diary